

Churches provide support, social capital for entrepreneurs, yet they are missing from the small busi...
The Restaurant Revitalization Fund prioritized funding for socioeconomically disadvantaged businesse...
The Dayton Foodbank adapted to the pandemic by doubling its workforce to around 50 staff members and...
During the pandemic, hundreds of thousands of women left the labor force specifically because t...
The Ohio Conference of Branches of the NAACP is continuing to prioritize and partner with Black-owne...
Modeled after Black banks and immigrant guilds of the 1880s, CDFIs funnel much-needed capital to und...
Elevate Dayton Ohio Black Media Collective

Elevate Dayton joining Ohio Black Media Collective

Elevate Dayton is building partnerships and expanding its reach across the state. The outlet is the ...
“Dayton is a melting pot of a lot of different genres of music. If we all work together it will be...